Sunday, June 28, 2009

Canada's Inferior Health Care System - Part I

In Canada, the government decided one way to control costs of the government health care system was to cut the amount of money doctors and nurses could make.   This has lead to an inevitable 21% decrease in the number of doctors and nurses and even more dramatic rationing of care.

The incidence of colon cancer in Canada is 25% higher than in the U. S.  This is due to the long waits in Canada to see specialists and the difficulty and oftentimes inability to get colonoscopies. 

On top of this, the death rate to colon cancer is 25% higher than the colon cancer death rate in the U.S.  In Canada the government has controlled health care costs by denying access to the two most effective colon cancer drugs.  Americans have access to these drugs. 

Americans are much healthier than Canadians in the vital diseases.  Americans have a 6% lower death rate from heart disease and a 16% lower death rate from cancer. 


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