Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Michael Steele For RNC Chairman - Part II

It appears Michael Steele's attempt to win the RNC Chairmanship may have hit a dead end before he even threw his hat in the ring.

Like any good political party that has been devastated at the polls over the last four years, watched the opposition party gain both the Presidency and near supermajorities in both the House & Senate, proven itself woefully out of touch with modern American politics, and spent the entire 2008 Presidential campaign scrambling just to keep the Obama machine within its sight, the Republican National Committee has decided they are doing just fine and want to elect one of their own. Great strategy.
Sundheim said of Michael Steele: “He understands where the party needs to go, he has got a strong set of principles, he is well able to articulate a message in all the media forms, and can take that message to the growing areas of the country — youth and minorities — and he does very well with women. He is the future of the party.”

But one influential Republican believes that RNC members are going to insist that the next chair come from the RNC.

“As to the new chair, don’t pay any attention to people who aren’t on the RNC,” he told me. “This is not a good thing, but the current RNC believes only one of their own should be chair. Maybe a dozen have a clue politically — and that’s being very kind. None (as chairman) could be an ideas leader or command the substantive respect of Republican senators or representatives.”
I say it's time for a little grassroots campaign to demand excellence, charisma, leadership, fresh ideas, and new grassroots approaches in our leaders and Michael Steele as RNC Chairman is the first baby step in that direction.

It took me some work, but I was able to get the email addresses of the Nebraska Republican Chairman, Committeeman, and Committeewomen and it would be great if as many Nebraskans as possible could contact these people and let them know you are supporting Michael Steele (or another candidate if you want).

Nebraska Chairman - Mark Quandahl

Nebraska Committeeman - Pete Ricketts

Nebraska Committewoman - De Carlson

If anyone out there would be willing to help me do some legwork, I would love to post the emails of every RNC voting member to this post and call people across the country to get engaged. Please email me or leave a comment if you have names and emails of voting members from other states.

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