Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Michael Steele For RNC Chairman - Part I

Yesterday, an article came out and was picked up today in the Washington Times that a battle was brewing between Newt Gingrich and Michael Steele to replace Mike Duncan as the RNC Chairman.

Like any good conservative, my first thought was who is most qualified and who could do the best job at this position? Newt has been there done that when he lead a Republican revolution with his Contract With America in 1994. Michael Steele is the former Lt. Governor of Maryland (a far left leaning state) and at the time was the highest-ranking elected African-American Republican in the United States. Both of these men would be great choices and would be qualified for the position.

I was undecided between the two for all of one day. Then I read this article by Michael Steele today in the Wall Street Journal - Listen. Adapt. Be Positive.

Most Americans today see a Republican Party that defines itself by what it is against rather than what it is for. We can tell you why public schools aren't working, but not articulate a compelling vision for how we'll better educate children. We're well equipped to rail against tax increases; but can't begin to explain how we'll help the poor. We exclude far better than we welcome.

We must articulate a positive vision for America's future that speaks to Americans' hopes, concerns and needs. It's time to stop defining ourselves by what we are not, and tell voters what we believe, how we'll lead, and where we'll go; how we Republicans will make America better; how we'll make their families more prosperous, their children better educated, their parents more secure, and all of us healthier, safer and stronger.

Our faith in the power and ingenuity of the individual to build a nation through hard work, personal responsibility and self-discipline is our uniting principle. That is the sacred ground upon which our Republican Party was built. For the sake of all Americans, it is the ground we must reclaim.

In the coming days I'll be outlining some of my own ideas for revitalizing conservatism. But in many ways, Michael Steele (thank goodness) is already stealing much of my thunder. This article is right on the money is so many different ways.

Anyway, my encouragement is for conservatives across the country to contact the national committee woman, national committee man, and chairman of the Republican Party of your state (these people elect the RNC Chairman) and let them know you would like to see Michael Steele elected as chairman.

Hit the link here to find out who the RNC voting members are in your individual state.

UPDATE: Click here to go to the Michael Steele for RNC chair website. Thanks Kathy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't know much about Michael Steel. I'll have to dig a little deeper. But I did find this link. http://www.draftmichaelsteele.com/